The third issue is the issue of Transgender Queens (known as drag queens)!

Drag queens are people that identify as men, who present themselves in exaggeratedly feminine ways. They dress in female costume as part of their performances, mainly in bars and night clubs.

Lately, they started to perform to kids in public libraries. They also read books to them, in what is called, ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’. These books promote Homosexuality and immoral lifestyles.

So… Satan is using media and politics to target kids, brainwashing their little minds under the alleged slogan of ‘tolerance and diversity’!

In Deuteronomy 22:5, the Bible says: “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God”.

The Bible affirms that this behaviour is an abomination, like any other homosexual activity.

In conclusion, these three behaviours; Polygamy, Homosexuality and Transgenderism as well as any heterosexual activity outside of marriage is considered an abomination and a violation to the creator’s plan for His creation. Besides their damaging effects to all aspects of people’s  lives.

May God have mercy on us and save us from the spirit of  the anti-Christ, that is working tirelessly to confuse people by turning them away from God’s perfect plan for their salvation.